Lonestar Mets Has Moved, Change your Bookmarks Now!

Wednesday, May 24, 2006

No Post Today

No Posts today, sorry folks, access to the computer is limited today as, “there are more important things than the Mets!” – Whatever the hell that means.

Tie up the computer for 5 hours and 22 minutes and some people get all upset-geez!

Anyway, I promise some extra content in the days to come and will be able to at least watch the games.

Soler vs. a short rested Lieber tonight. I am very interested to see what he’s got in his bag.

Hey, I'll tell you what. You can take a good look at a butcher's ass by sticking your head up there. But, wouldn't you rather to take his word for it?

No, I mean, you can get a good look at a T-bone by sticking your head up a butcher's ass, but then..no. It's gotta be your bull.

No wait it would have to be your cow...

Whatever, here’s a puff piece.


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